
Sunday, October 7, 2018

Be Wary of Strangers, Part 1

This short story/series is inspired by these fanfics. I'm probably going to be posting one a week, maybe more often; I put this little baby through at least three drafts in a couple hours. I was planning on outlining the whole thing first, then writing/posting closer to New Years, but the weather today was perfect. Chilly, just overcast enough to put me in the mood for something a bit sinister... ;)

I've been wanting to practice writing in 2nd person present for a while now, but the only place I've really seen it (and thus thought it would work in) is in twist-a-plots (AKA choose-your-own-adventure, choose-your-story, etc.). The few twist-a-plot type stories I've tried writing all flopped, and I haven't really touched the POV since.
Then I came across the fanfics and wanted to try something similar. :D
I'm using the fanfics as a sort of launching point. However, I'm going to make changes. For example, Thor is going to be the vampire, "you" are going to be a bit more lore-savvy, and I'm going to be using some of my own characters (mostly from my Tales from a Modern Bard challenges, but who knows others may try to intrude).
Loki and Thor will kind of be based off of Marvel's version. In looks, most definitely, because come on Hiddleson and Hemsworth are perfect in these roles. As for actions...well, I'm just going to see where they go. They may or may not adhere to their Marvel roles/characteristics.

Things might get a tad steamy (cuz vampires), but what little there is will be short--not much longer than a couple sentences--and not very detailed. I don't like reading that stuff, I don't like writing it. :P
There's also going to be some blood, but I also don't like writing gore. I prefer slight hints that allow you to imagine as little/as much as you like.


Vampire: Loki/Thor x Reader
Part One

Loki trudges up the steep mountain path. Pelting rain drives the ground to mud beneath him. Scraggly brush and sharp, stunted trees threaten to hasten his stumbling steps into the gawping mouth of the gorge to his right. Thunder echoes through the mountain. Lightning flashes and illuminates the carcasses of unfortunate animals caught on jagged shelves of earth below.
“I’m trying, brother,” he says to the howling sky. “Do be patient.”
He reaches his destination suddenly. A massive castle, set half into the mountainside. There are no doors, only a large archway leading to dank darkness. Black moss and lichen cover old drawings and writings about the archway. With the surety of a mountain lion, Loki stalks into the darkness.
Sibilant, a tenor voice sounds before him. “I was informed of your arrival. Meet me in the courtyard.”
Loki forces himself to breathe evenly, to ignore the thick taste of decay that spreads inside his mouth. As suddenly as he’d come across the castle, so he came to the courtyard. The storm was oddly absent from this place, surrounding the castle walls on all sides, while the moon shone brightly overhead. In the center of the courtyard, sitting on a broken and dusty well, was a man. His marble-colored skin gleamed in the cold light. Fangs protruded from his black-lined lips.
“You are Endymion?” Loki asks.
With a smile, the man inclines his head. “I must thank you for coming. Visitors don’t often come calling.” He stands and beckons for Loki to follow. He heads for another gaping archway. This one is partly shuttered by limp, molding doors.
If Loki is nervous or put off, it doesn’t affect his sure, sauntering stride. He enters the main hall—lit by a wavering bonfire in the center—as if he were entering his own halls. Long tables, benches, unlit chandeliers, and fine silverware are all covered in dust.
Endymion glances back. “Does this remind you of home, Asgardian?” Without waiting for an answer, he turns to a shadow. “Wander my halls at your peril.”
Some time later, the vampire returns. He steps from the dancing shadows behind Loki as if stepping through a doorway.
Loki is unaware of him until he feels the brush of fangs—as cold and sharp as daggers—across his neck. With a curse, Loki leaps to his feet. His twin daggers gleam sickly in the fading firelight.
Lazily, Endymion grins. He proffers a bag that seems to be part of the darkness behind him. “This earth will aid the transition. Now…do you have the body?”
At the callous tone, Loki grits his teeth. He nods and sheaths the daggers.
“It is mostly intact, yes? It will be a terrible bother otherwise.”
“All things considered, yes.”
“You are prepared for the challenges?” Endymion’s tone holds implications that Loki reads easily.
Loki smirks. “I know the risks. What’s more blood on my hands?”
“Then let us begin.”
Outside, the still and clear air above the castle darkens. Like a blanket, the storm covers the castle. The perfect cover for dark deeds.

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