
Monday, May 14, 2018

Rebel: The World

Is it May already?? *moves couches in an attempt to find a few days from April*

Here’s that bit about the world my Rapunzel retelling is set in that I promised. I don’t have the entirety of the world planned out yet, but enough to write the story.

Name: Not sure yet…Do I want to go traditional, like Saritum, Ursison? A name, like Aulis, Ritva, Ipaty? Or something more along the lines of a title, like Cleansed Terrain, Twisted Lands, the Sundered Earth?

Behavior: It has one sun and one moon. The sun and moon have darker stripes (like Roman numerals) visible depending on how close it is to the time of Turning. Each Turning, the world is refreshed via a large-scale tilling (only not so tame as a garden tilling; imagine a rototiller chunking apart a mountain, a rake and shovel driving earth into the sea). During the Turning, the inhabitants’ bodies revert to whatever element/substance their ancestry is. The closer it is to the Turning, the more the flesh and blood of the people revert (and the further from the Turning, the more their bodies solidify into flesh and blood).

Inhabitants: There are four known types of people, technically three since one exists only in stories. They are the Children of Earth, Fire, Wind, and Ice*. Each set of Children has specific physical characteristics, but that would be kind of lengthy for a blog post. While intermarriage between the Children is possible, most of the time it doesn’t result in offspring. When it does, the offspring must eventually decide which element will be dominant (sort of like half-elves in LotR). Otherwise a whole lot of crazy things happen to them during the Turning.

History: This is one of the things I’m still working out. I definitely know that Children of Ice were the earliest inhabitants, the Children of Fire were second, and the CoF introduced the CoI to flapjacks.

I'm hoping to put up a couple excerpts from my current draft before the end of the month.
Until next time!

*I have plans for more, but first I need to figure out how the souls work/how a people are formed in the first place. I have a few ideas... *sticks pen behind ear and chases plot bunnies*

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